Mobile Field Forms Validation: Methods and Ranges

Mobile field forms data validation

QNOPY provides you with the option to use historic data to validate or guide your entries in the field. As you start reading parameters it’s nice to know what to expect at a monitoring well or at a sampling location. With a few clicks you can set up your form to show historic ranges for selected parameters in blue. Whether you want to confirm you are at a right well or just to make sure your sensors are working right, mobile field forms validation with QNOPY ranges is extremely helpful.

Beyond just uploading your own customizable limits to make sure that data taken never exceeds or goes under a certain point, you’re able to select from historical values and pick which limits you want to apply. 

Why set limits when validating mobile field forms

Field form validation limits

QNOPY offers two types of mobile field forms validation features: one that warns the user if the entry falls outside the allowable range and one that disallows entries outside a hard limit.

Setting limits for parameters before your field staff goes out reduces the occurance of unrealistic values and prevents future headaches.

Warning limits: warning limits tell the user if their entry was outside a range. However, it still lets them enter what they want. Historic ranges are set as warning limits. Values may vary some as long as they are still in the reasonable range.

Hard limits: Hard limits wont let users enter values that are outside of the set range. Certain values such as pH can’t be outside of 0 to 14.

Historic data based ranges are set for each location or a well. However, you can also set limits for the whole project which would be common to all the locations or wells at the project.

Setting historical limits

Field form validation historical limits

It takes 2 minutes to set up validation/guide for any of your forms based on historical readings. Here is how its done:

1) Open your project

2) Select the form you want to set limits for

3) Navigate to the desired the section

4) Select the date range from which to pick the readings

5) Pick the parameters you want to set and hit Set Warning Limits

Learn More about Other Time saving + reliability increasing features:

Preset Values

Customizable Features

GIS Features

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