Field Points Page

View All Project Field Points in a Tabular View

  • On Edit Project Page click on the action button image-30 and select Field Points Page
  • Table shows all the available field points and their latitude and longitude
  • Click on any of the cell to edit – name of the point or add/edit latitude and longitude. All changes are saved when you click anywhere else.
  • You can add new field points by clicking on the  button on top right
  • You can download the field points by clicking on the button on top right
field points page

View Points on a Map

  • Click on the to see the field points on a map
  • You can change the view between Satellite and Standard Map 
  • Field points are grouped together if they are close to each other. Click on the number in blue  to expand 
  • Drag a field point to change it’s location
  • Once done click on the  button in the left panel
  • You can also edit the field point name by clicking on the  icon next to the field point name and click on update to save the change