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Soil boring data can be exported in GINT or LogPlot format. Here is a standard boring log you can generate with QNOPY App:
Soil boring form form is broken into 5 sections:
Form Header Info:
Header section contains information such as drilling company, diameter of the soil bore, type of drilling method and total boring depth.
Soil Description:
Record this section only for contact points. Soil classification section gives you a dropdown list of standard USCS codes to describe the soil. You can record soil moisture, density, consistency, sorting, as well as color with simple dropdowns.
Sample and Recovery:
You can record any samples you collect and corresponding recovery for every 12 inches in this section. Unlike the Soil Description section, you would enter a depth range instead of a single contact point depth.
PID Readings:
PID readings can be recorded continuously and can be entered in this section. You may only have 5 readings for soil classification, but, record PID at every 2 feet interval.
Product Encountered:
You can record any product you encounter in this section. You can leave it blank if no product is found in the boring.
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