Laboratory Data Management Module

QNOPY's Laboratory Data Module provides a simple and robust solution for managing analytical data without requiring any database management skills. Indeed, it's specifically designed to allow the project manager and engineers to access results and create report tables or charts.

Get started with QNOPY's Laboratory Data Module

Laboratory Data Management with QNOPY

QNOPY's Laboratory Data Management Module provides you with quick access to your data by freeing it from the traditional data dungeons. With only a few clicks, you can plan your sampling events, track sampling progress, generate chains of custody, and import lab data. Furthermore, QNOPY has a new approach for handling laboratory data with the ability to accept data from any laboratory in any flat file format.

Auto EDD Processing

Once labs send EDDs, we process and validate the data, flag any errors, and load the data into the database. Additionally, if labs upload multiple versions of the data, users can track all changes.

Print Tables

Don’t wait for your report data tables! With QNOPY pre-formatted report tables, print your tables as soon as you load the lab data. Additionally, QNOPY can set up any number of custom table formats or charts for your reports.

Time Series Plots

View historical data and compare results by plotting time series charts: you can select multiple wells, multiple parameters, and a date range and export the graph as a PDF or vector image.

Laboratory Database

Upload historical results into the QNOPY laboratory database: a fast, secured, and cloud-based alternative to your in-house database system.


Configure different screening criteria, such as project-based, regional, risk-based, or MCLs, for your projects and then automatically screen data against the set standards.


Generate pre- or post-sampling chains of custody and export them in Excel or PDF format. Further configure COCs to be automatically emailed to the lab.