Laboratory Data Management Module

QNOPY Laboratory Data module provides a simple and robust solution for managing your project analytical data without the need of any database management skills. It's designed for the project manager or project engineers/geologists to have access to their sample results and create tables or charts they need for their reports.



Pricing is project based


$50 per month
  • Up to 15 wells


$150 per month
  • Up to 50 wells


$500 per month
  • Up to 150 wells

Each plan includes all the features of the Laboratory data module. Small, medium, and large are roughly defined by the number of rows in the database. Each Account must have at least 12 hours of support hours at $1,200/year.

Manage your data yourself with a simple web portal!

Named user account User account to access lab data $59/month
Upload lab data If QNOPY support uploads an EDD for you $15/edd file
Additional Support Any database management tasks such as creating reports, troubleshooting data issues, adding new criteria $120/hour T&M
80 hours bulk support pack Buy 80 hours of QNOPY support pack upfront $7,200

Laboratory Data Management with QNOPY

QNOPY chemistry module is designed to provide you with quick access to your lab data. It frees your data from the traditional data dungeons. With few clicks, you can plan your sampling events, track sampling progress, generate chains of custody, and import lab data. QNOPY has a new approach to handling laboratory data with ability to accept data from any laboratory, and in any flat file format.

Historic data upload:

You can upload historic results into the QNOPY laboratory database. It’s a fast, secured, and cloud-based alternative to your in-house database system.

Print Tables

You don’t need to wait for your report data tables. With QNOPY pre-formatted report tables, you can print your tables as soon as the lab data is loaded. QNOPY can set up any number of table formats or charts for your reports.

Time series plot

View historic data and compare results by plotting time series charts. You can select multiple wells, multiple parameters, and select a date range and export the graph as pdf or vector image.

Auto EDD Processing

Labs email edds to QNOPY which are automatically processed and loaded into the chmistry database. EDDs are automatically validated and errors are flagged. Labs can upload multiple versions of the data and all the changes are tracked.


Different screening criteria: project based, regional, risk-based or MCLs can be configured for your projects and data can be automatically screened against the set standards.


You can generate pre or post sampling chains of custodies and export them in Excel or PDF format. COCs can be configured to be automatically emailed to the lab