QNOPY now offers an easy solution for converting any inspection questions into action items. Simply click on the ‘shovel’ icon and convert the question into a project task. Next person that visits the site can complete the task and can mark it as done! They can upload photos and add comments to the action items as well.
This feature addresses a common problem in the industry related to required repairs and issues found during inspections. Issues often fall through the cracks as it’s difficult to go through the forms manually and identify and then follow up on action items. Most of the time issues go unnoticed or get noticed late.
With the QNOPY task feature, it’s become simple to add action items to a project. All the users associated with the project see the action items which will make it easy to track and fix issues fast..
Action items or tasks are attached to a project, location, and a question. Never miss an action item again. QNOPY users users for tracking action items related for projects related to stormwater inspections, groundwater monitoring well condition assessment, and environmental remediation systems operation and maintenance.
Want to know more? Schedule a call now.
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