QNOPY App as a Training Tool

With the current pandemic and social distancing, training new field personnel is challenging. Most of the environmental field forms and audits are subjective. It’s important for the field inspectors to know the intended answer for a particular question. Before going out to a site you can have lengthy calls to go over each question and then hope you remember everything. But, what if you could simply get a hint or a guide on how to go about answering a question on a form?

QNOPY App provides you with just that. We have upgraded our guide feature and added an info button in the mobile app for each question. Any question you are not sure how to answer, just click on the info button to view instructions or guide or a hint.

From the QNOPY Web Portal you can set guide text for each question on a form. QNOPY makes training field personnel easy and helps you record better quality data in the field.

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