Cutting-edge technology for your projects


From fieldwork planning all the way to writing a final investigation report, QNOPY provides you with tools to digitize every step of your project: Mobile apps, eCOCs, Laboratory data, Dashboards, and collaborative report writer. Tools built with focus on aesthetics and end user experience

Field Data Mobile Apps

QNOPY mobile app is a first of a kind app designed specifically for the Environmental industry. The app available on iOS or Android platform, is ready to use as soon as you download it on your phone or tablet with variety of pre-designed forms that cover the common environmental field work. Its loaded with features that make your field data collection smoother and faster. Dropdown lists, radio buttons, auto calculated fields reduce the amount of typing and along with in-app validations improve data quality and consistency. The app works completely offline with offline GPS and map features. Following are some of the key features:

Emergency route

Safety first. Whether you have an emergency route in your HSP, our one-click hospital button in the app will navigation you to a nearest hospital.

Work offline

You dont need internet connectivity to use the app. Data is stored on the mobile device and is synced to the server when internet is available. Offline maps and GPS help on remote sites.

In-App validations & Calculations

In-built data validations for better data quality. Validate against fixed values or historic ranges. Automatically calculate volume of a well, water extracted since last visit, or whether parameters stabilized.


Collaborate with your team. Share data between team memebers. Track data collection progress within teams and assign different roles to users.

Customizable forms

Choose from our standard forms that cover most types of field events or we can set up your forms. Get set up within minutes.

Photos and drawings

Take pictures without worrying about tracking them. The app keeps track of all your pictures and geotags them for you. You can draw over photos, maps, and satellite imagery as well. Add captions to your pictures.

Project folder

Upload all your project documents to the project folder. No need to carry large binders full of health & safety plans or site plans. Access what you need when you need it in the app.

QNOPY Cloud and Web Portal

All your data is saved in a secured cloud based database system. Data collected with the mobile app is available on the QNOPY web portal instantaneously. Various dashboards are available to view and analyze the data. With the map view you can see the photos on a satellite map. You can create time series plots, export data in different formats including word, excel, or pdf.


Customized reports and dashboards are setup to provide you with your data in the format you need it in. Different standard dashboards are available.


Query and edit your data in grid view or web mobile view after its synced from the mobile app. QNOPY maintains an audit trail.


With the QNOPY Map View you can view data and photos on map. You can draw over a map and generate figures.


Event based data management follows the actual field workflow. Data is stored under field events such as quarterly monitoring event, or daily logs, or SPCC field event.


Export data in EDD formats to be imported in other database systems. Pre-formated edds are available. Export in Excel, CSV, or Zip formats.


Create new projects, assign different field forms to projects, and add field points. You can assign different roles to users on your projects.

QNOPY Report writer

Whether you want to write Phase I ESAs, property condition assessments, or monitoring reports, QNOPY collaborative report writer makes it easy and fast. QNOPY will set up your report template. All your field data gets populated in pre-defined sections of your report. You can share the report with multiple authors and they can write the report simultaneously. You can create GIS maps directly with the report writer.

Global Edits

With global fields you make change once and it gets changed everywhere in the report

Language Library

You can build language libraries for re-using boiler plate language in your reports

Create GIS Figures

You can create GIS figures using the Map Draw feature. You can create landscape or portrait figures

Integrate Field Data

Notes collected during a site visit are automatically brought into the right report section for you

Manage Photos

You can manage photos and drawings collected in the field and keep the ones you want to use in the report

Integrate Risk Data

Automatically bring in risk data from Geo-Search or other data provider

Chemistry Module

QNOPY chemistry module is designed to provide you with quick access to your lab data. It frees your data from the traditional data dungeons. With few clicks, you can plan your sampling events, track sampling progress, generate chains of custody, and import lab data. QNOPY has a new approach to handling laboratory data with ability to accept data from any laboratory, and in any flat file format.


Sample planner:

 With sample planning module you can pick the wells that need to be sampled and assign them to field personnel. You can schedule sample dates and track progress as the sampling event is executed.


Auto EDD Processing:

Labs email edds to QNOPY which are automatically processed and loaded into the chmistry database. EDDs are automatically validated and errors are flagged. Labs can upload multiple versions of the data and all the changes are tracked.



You can generate pre or post sampling chains of custodies and export them in Excel or PDF format. COCs can be configured to be automatically emailed to the lab


Print tables:

You don’t need to wait for your report data tables. With QNOPY pre-formatted report tables, you can print your tables as soon as the lab data is loaded. QNOPY can set up any number of table formats or charts for your reports.


Chemistry database:

You can upload historic results into the QNOPY chemistry database. It’s a fast, secured, and cloud-based alternative to your in-house database system.



Different screening criteria: project based, regional, risk-based or MCLs can be configured for your projects and data can be automatically screened against the set standards.