Soil Boring Logs
As a result of using customizable QNOPY soil boring logs, your team can simplify data entry in the field, save time at the office, and create consistent and high quality soil logs. Conditional formatting, automatic calculations, and multiple select options allow the form to adapt as you fill it out, thus saving time and improving accuracy. After completion, export your soil boring logs in GINT or LogPlot format. With QNOPY's user-friendly platform, the soil boring logs solution not only digitize your forms, but also act as a training tool for new geologists. Learn more here.

A Soil Boring Form in Five Sections
Form Header Info
The header section contains information such as the drilling company, diameter of the soil bore, type of drilling method, and total boring depth.
Soil Description
Record this section only for contact points. The soil classification section provides a dropdown list of standard USCS codes to describe the soil. You can record soil moisture, density, consistency, sorting, and color.
Sample and Recovery
Record any samples you collect and the corresponding recovery for every 12 inches. Unlike in the Soil Description section, enter a depth range instead of a single contact point depth.
PID Readings
PID readings can be recorded continuously. Even if you only have five readings for soil classification, record PID at every 2 foot interval.
Product Encountered
Record any product you encounter. You can leave this section blank if no product is found in the boring.