Case Study: Low Flow Groundwater Sampling
Remediation Sites in Central California's Mojave Desert
One of the largest environmental and infrastructure consulting companies in the world has been using the QNOPY Platform for managing groundwater sampling activities at high-profile remediation sites in California’s Mojave Desert. The monitoring program is complex, and the number of wells sampled in any given quarter exceeds 1,000. However, using the QNOPY Platform, the consultant has collected and recorded data for over 10 thousand samples over the last three years. Furthermore, they have achieved a 30% reduction in costs as well as better quality data with zero re-work and no data lost.

QNOPY's Groundwater Sampling Solution
For this purpose, QNOPY customized the groundwater sampling forms to include all the unique requirements. Furthermore, QNOPY set up the projects in the system, added all the wells to the database (including construction details, such as depth to bottom, diameter, and the screen intervals), and uploaded the geographic locations of the wells.