Location Filters to Narrow Down Monitoring Points or Areas

How many times have you missed sampling the right wells? Or sampled more wells than was required in the sampling plan? QNOPY location filter helps field users see only the wells or locations that match the selected criteria and make sure only the right wells are sampled.

You can set up filters such as Sampling frequencies, Areas of Concern, Aquifer Zones, Equipment Types and more..

Imagine you are sampling at a site with hundreds of monitoring wells. Some wells are sampled on a quarterly basis and others might be semiannual or annual. When you apply a Quarterly sampling filter, you will only see the wells with quarterly sampling frequency in the QNOPY mobile app- both as a list and on a map.

Furthermore, you can apply multiple filters such as “Quarterly” wells that are located in the “Offsite” area. 

Want to learn more? Request a demo today.