๐Ÿ’Ž Hidden Gem–Location Filters ๐Ÿ’Ž

Did you know that you can add filters to better organize your locations? Filters allow you to show only the wells youโ€™d like to sample for a particular event. While you can always search for a particular well at the top of the locations page, you can also organize your locations by creating filters in QNOPY.

Once you set up filters in the web portal, they can used by clicking on the funnel in the bottom right of the locations page in the app and choosing your filter.

Some common ways our clients use filters to organize wells are:

  • by the frequency they are sampled (quarterly, semi-annual, etc)
  • by priority
  • by zones (upstream, downstream, on-site, off-site)
  • by staff, to assign locations

This feature can save staff the pains of scrolling through all the locations at a site. Go to quick links –> field point filters in the web portal to set yours up today! Happy location management ๐Ÿ™‚